Sunday, 14 July 2013

How to make Object Counter using Led-Ldr

Object Counter

Components Used

Sr. No.
Components required

Resistor-20 Ω
Resistor-200 Ω
Variable Resistor-500 Ω
Capacitor- 1µf
Capacitor- 0.1µf
Capacitor- 100nf
Push Button
Transistor BC547
IC 74LS390-Dual 4-Bit Decade Counter
IC 74LS48-BCD to 7-Segment Decoder
IC 5082-7 Segment Display
IC 555 Timer
IC 54LS00-Quad 2 i/p NAND Gates
IC 74LS74A-Dual positive edge triggered D-Flip Flop
IC 74LS04- Hex Inverter


 In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores (and sometimes displays) the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock signal.

Electronic Counters:
In electronics, counters can be implemented quite easily using register-type circuits such as the flip-flop, and a wide variety of classifications exist:

         Asynchronous (ripple) counter:
                                                           Only the first flip-flop is clocked by an external clock. All subsequent flip-flops are clocked by the output of the preceding flip-flop.
Asynchronous counters are slower than synchronous counters because of the delay in the transmission of the pulses from flip-flop to flip-flop.
Asynchronous counters are also called ripple-counters because of the way the clock pulse ripples it way through the flip-flops.

          Synchronous counter:
                                          All state bits change under control of a single clock.
All flip-flops are clocked simultaneously by an external clock.
Synchronous counters are faster than asynchronous counters because of the simultaneous clocking.

         Decade counter:
                               A decade counter is one that counts in decimal digits, rather than binary. A decade counter may have each digit binary encoded (that is, it may count in binary-coded decimal. The decade counter is also known as a mod-counter when it counts to ten (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
          Up/down counter:
                                   A counter that can change state in either direction, under the control of an up or down selector input, is known as an up/down counter. When the selector is in the up state, the counter increments its value. When the selector is in the down state, the counter decrements the count.
         Ring counter:
                           A ring counter is a circular shift register which is initiated such that only one of its flip-flops is the state one while others are in their zero states.A ring counter is a Shift Register (a cascade connection of flip-flops) with the output of the last one connected to the input of the first, that is, in a ring. Typically, a pattern consisting of a single bit is circulated so the state repeats every n clock cycles if n flip-flops are used. It can be used as a cycle counter of n states.
            Johnson counter (a twisted ring counter):
                                                                       A Johnson counter (or switchtail ring counter, twisted-ring counter, walking-ring counter, or Moebius counter) is a modified ring counter, where the output from the last stage is inverted and fed back as input to the first stage. These counters find specialist applications, including those similar to the decade counter, digital-to-analog conversion, etc. They can be implemented easily using D- or JK-type flip-flops.

555 Timer IC

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuits (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element.


The connection of the pins for a DIP package is as follows:
Ground reference voltage, low level (0 V)
The OUT pin goes high and a timing interval starts when this input falls below 1/2 of CTRL voltage (which is typically 1/3 of VCC, when CTRL is open).
A timing interval may be reset by driving this input to GND, but the timing does not begin again until RESET rises above approximately 0.7 volts. Overrides TRIG which overrides THR.
Provides "control" access to the internal voltage divider (by default, 2/3 VCC).
The timing (OUT high) interval ends when the voltage at THR is greater than that at CTRL (2/3 VCC if CTRL is open).
Open collector output which may discharge a capacitor between intervals. In phase with output.
Positive supply voltage, which is usually between 3 and 15 V depending on the variation.

Pin 5 is also sometimes called the CONTROL VOLTAGE pin. By applying a voltage to the CONTROL VOLTAGE input one can alter the timing characteristics of the device. In most applications, the CONTROL VOLTAGE input is not used. It is usual to connect a 10 nF capacitor between pin 5 and 0 V to prevent interference. The CONTROL VOLTAGE input can be used to build an astable with a frequency modulated output.


The 555 has three operating modes:
         Monostable mode: In this mode, the 555 functions as a "one-shot" pulse generator. Applications include timers, missing pulse detection, bounce free switches, touch switches, frequency divider, capacitance measurement, pulse-width modulation (PWM) and so on.

         Astable  (free-running) mode : The 555 can operate as an oscillator. Uses include LED and lamp flashers, pulse generation, logic clocks, tone generation, security alarms, pulse position modulation and so on.

Bistable mode or Schmitt trigger: The 555 can operate as a flip-flop, if the DIS pin is not connected and no capacitor is used. Uses include bounce-free latched switches.

Monostable mode:

In the monostable mode, the 555 timer acts as a "one-shot" pulse generator. The pulse begins when the 555 timer receives a signal at the trigger input that falls below one third of the voltage supply. The width of the output pulse is determined by the time constant of an RC network, which consists of a capacitor (C) and a resistor (R). The output pulse ends when the voltage on the capacitor equals 2/3 of the supply voltage. The output pulse width can be lengthened or shortened to the need of the specific application by adjusting the values of R and C.

The output pulse width of time t, which is the time it takes to charge C to 2/3 of the supply voltage, is given by

While using the timer IC in monostable mode, the main disadvantage is that the time span between any two triggering pulses must be greater than the RC time constant.

Bistable mode:

In bistable mode, the 555 timer acts as a basic flip-flop. The trigger and reset inputs (pins 2 and 4 respectively on a 555) are held high via Pull-up resistors while the threshold input (pin 6) is simply grounded. Thus configured, pulling the trigger momentarily to ground acts as a 'set' and transitions the output pin (pin 3) to Vcc (high state). Pulling the reset input to ground acts as a 'reset' and transitions the output pin to ground (low state). No capacitors are required in a bistable configuration. Pin 5 (control) is connected to ground via a small-value capacitor (usually 0.01 to 0.1 µF); pin 7 (discharge) is left floating.

Astable mode:

    In astable mode, the 555 timer puts out a continuous stream of rectangular pulses having a specified frequency. Resistor R1 is connected between VCC and the discharge pin (pin 7) and another resistor (R2) is connected between the discharge pin (pin 7), and the trigger (pin 2) and threshold (pin 6) pins that share a common node. Hence the capacitor is charged through R1 and R2, and discharged only through R2, since pin 7 has low impedance to ground during output low intervals of the cycle, therefore discharging the capacitor.
In the astable mode, the frequency of the pulse stream depends on the values of R1, R2 and C:

Dual 4 Bit Decade Counter (DM74LS390)

General Description:

Each of these monolithic circuits contains eight masterslave flip-flops and additional gating to implement two individual four-bit counters in a single package. The DM74LS390 incorporates dual divide-by-two and divide by-five counters, which can be used to implement cycle lengths equal to any whole and/or cumulative multiples of 2 and/or 5 up to divide-by-100. When connected as a bi-quinary counter, the separate divide-by-two circuit can be used to provide symmetry (a square wave) at the final output stage. The DM74LS390 has parallel outputs from each counter stage so that any sub multiple of the input count frequency is available for system-timing signals.


Dual version of the popular DM74LS90
DM74LS390...individual clocks for A and B flip-flops provide dual ÷ 2 and ÷ 5 counters
Direct clear for each 4-bit counter
Typical maximum count frequency...35 MHz


Truth table:

Bcd to 7- Segment Decoder

The IC 74LS48 is a BCD to 7-Segment Decoder consisting of NAND
gates, input buffers and seven AND-OR-INVERT gates. Seven NAND gates
and one driver are connected in pairs to make BCD data and its complement
available to the seven decoding AND-OR-INVERT gates. The remaining
NAND gate and three input buffers provide lamp test, blanking input/rippleblanking input for the LS48.
The circuit accepts 4-bit binary-coded-decimal (BCD) and, depending on
the state of the auxiliary inputs, decodes this data to drive other components.
The relative positive logic output levels, as well as conditions required at the
auxiliary inputs, are shown in the truth tables.
The LS48 circuit incorporates automatic leading and/or trailing edge
zero-blanking control (RBI and RBO). Lamp Test (LT) may be activated any
time when the BI/RBO node is HIGH. Both devices contain an overriding
blanking input (BI) which can be used to control the lamp intensity by varying
the frequency and duty cycle of the BI input signal or to inhibit the outputs.

 Top view:

Truth table:

7-Segment Display

seven-segment display (SSD), or seven-segment indicator, is a form of electronic display device for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex dot-matrix displays. Seven-segment displays are widely used in digital clocks, electronic meters, and other electronic devices for displaying numerical information.

Concept and visual structure
The seven elements of the display can be lit in different combinations to represent the arabic numerals. Often the seven segments are arranged in an oblique (slanted) arrangement, which aids readability. In most applications, the seven segments are of nearly uniform shape and size (usually elongated hexagons, though trapezoids and rectangles can also be used), though in the case of adding machines, the vertical segments are longer and more oddly shaped at the ends in an effort to further enhance readability.
The seven segments are arranged as a rectangle of two vertical segments on each side with one horizontal segment on the top, middle, and bottom. Additionally, the seventh segment bisects the rectangle horizontally. There are also fourteen-segment displaysand sixteen-segment displays (for full alphanumeric); however, these have mostly been replaced by dot-matrix displays.
The segments of a 7-segment display are referred to by the letters A to G, where the optional DP decimal point (an "eighth segment") is used for the display ofnon-integer numbers.

Seven-segment displays may use a liquid crystal display (LCD), a light-emitting diode (LED) for each segment, or other light-generating or controlling techniques such as cold cathode gas discharge, vacuum fluorescentincandescent filaments, and others.

There are two types of LED 7-segment displays:
         common cathode (CC)
        common anode (CA)

The common anode has all the anodes of the 7-segments connected together. Shown below is a common anode seven segment.
A common cathode seven segment is different from a common anode segment in that the cathodes of all the LEDs are connected together. For the use of this seven segment the common cathode connection must be grounded and power must be applied to appropriate segment in order to illuminate that segment.

Dual Positive -Edge -Triggered D Flip-Flops

General Description:

This device contains two independent positive-edge-triggered D flip-flops with complementary outputs. The information  on the D input is accepted by the flip-flops on the positive going edge of the clock pulse. The triggering occurs at a
voltage level and is not directly related to the transition time of the rising edge of the clock. The data on the D input may be changed while the clock is LOW or HIGH without affecting the outputs as long as the data setup and hold times are not violated. A low logic level on the preset or clear inputs will set or reset the outputs regardless of the logic levels of the other inputs.

Connection Diagram:

Function Table:

Quad 2- Input Nand Gates

General Description:

This device contains four independent gates each of which performs the logic NAND function.

PIN Diagram:

Function Table:

 Working of the Circuit

Depending upon

         555 multivibrator in astable mode
         Two dual 4 bit decade counter
         Four BCD to Seven Segment Decoder
         Four 7-Segment Display

The 555 timer puts out a continuous stream of rectangular pulses having a specified frequency of 500 Hz.
The clock pulse of 555 multivibrator is then provided to the IC  74LS390. This IC is a dual 4-bit decade counter divided into four separately clocked sections. The counter IC has two set of divide -by- two section and divide- by- five section. The pulse is given to pin 1 of the IC 74LS390 and the output is taken from pin 3 which gets divided by 2 and this output is taken as the input at pin 4 giving three outputs at pin 5,6,7 and the output at pin 7 gets divided by 5 and this acts as input at pin 15 and we get the output at pin 13 which is again divided by 2  and this output is taken as the input at pin 12 giving three outputs at pin 11,10,9 and the output at pin 9 and gets divided again by 5. And in total the final output’s frequency gets divided by 100.This output is given to the second IC 74LS390 and it works in the same way as explained above. Hence we get the output at 50mHz.
The pulse is applied to the IC74LS48 BCD to seven segment decoder implemented as a two-level AND-OR circuit. It converts a 4-bit binary-coded decimal value that is the numbers 0 to 9 coded as 0000 to 1001, into the code required to drive a seven-segment display IC5082
The input a four-bit BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) value, and energize the proper output lines to form the corresponding decimal digit on the 7-segment LED display. The BCD inputs are designated A, B, C, and D in order from least-significant to most-significant. Outputs are labeled a, b, c, d, e, f, and g, each letter corresponding to a standardized segment designation for 7-segment displays.
A reset circuit is also used to reset the count to zero. For this a push button is used whose one end is connected to +5V supply and another end is grounded through a resistance of a 10K. The output of this push button is connected to pin 2 & 14 of IC 74LS390. This output is also connected to the clear pin of D Flip-Flop through a Hex inverter.
To provide the Start pulse for the counter another circuit is made using IC 74LS74A. It has dual positive-edge-triggered D flip-flops. The clock input is provided to pin 3 of this IC through a resistance of 1K connected to one end of a push-button which is also grounded. The other end of this push button is connected to a supply of +5V. The data input to pin 2 is connected to +5V supply through a resistance of 1K and it is also connected to the preset at pin 4. The output of this at pin 5 is then provided to pin 12 of IC 74LS00.The final output pulse at pin 11 of IC 74LS00 is connected to pin 1 of IC 74LS390.

When the reset button is pressed a high pulse is generated which is then passed through an inverter to give a low pulse. This low pulse is provided to the clear pin of D-Flip Flop. Due to this the output of flip flop is low and no output pulse is provided to counter circuit and the circuit is reset to zero.
Now, when start button is pressed, a low to high pulse is generated which provides a clock input to the flip flop and thus the high pulse at input D is provided at the output. This high pulse is connected to the counter IC. Thus the counter circuit starts operating.

Application as an Object Counter


The LED is used to emit light which is then directed on the LDR. Depending on
the intensity of  light, the resistance of the LDR changes. When the light is OFF the minimum resistance of LDR is 15K and in presence of light the maximum resistance is 6K. The output of LDR is connected to the base of transistor BC547.
When light falls on the LDR, its resistance is low, the total base voltage of BC547 is approx. 0.56 volt which is less than 0.7 volt. This voltage is less than that required for the transistor to conduct and it goes in cut-off region. Thus it doesn’t conduct and we get high output.
Now, when any object is placed between the LED and LDR, the light falling on the LDR is interrupted and its resistance increases. The base voltage of BC547 becomes approx. 1.1 volt which is enough for the transistor to operate in saturation region. Thus it conducts and provides alow (0 volt)output and when object is passed and light is sensed by LDR, we get high output at collector .In this way we get triggerpulse for the monoshot circuit.
The IC 54LS00 is used in monostable multivibrator configuration. Initially, pin 1 and 2 is grounded through R hence output at pin 3 is high and pin 9 is also high. The collector output of the transistor provides an input pulse to the pin 10. These conditions make pin 8, low and at pin 6 we get low output. This output is then provided to pin 13 of the same IC. The final output of this IC at pin 11 is provided to decade counter for counting.
 The counter circuit thus counts the no. of times any object is passed between the LED and LDR. This circuit can count upto a maximum value of 9999.

                                                                    Research by:
                                        Pooja Bhati    &  Shivkant Paswan